
Jesus Set the Pattern of Humility - I AM "LOWLY IN HEART"

Jesus invited all those "toiling and loaded down" to come to him. He said:  "Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am mild-tempered and lowly in heart, and you will find refreshment for your souls." (Matthew 11:28, 29) The qualities of humility and mildness moved Jesus to be kind and impartial in dealing with imperfect humans. He was reasonable in what he expected of his disciples.  Jesus commended and encouraged them. He did not make them feel incompetent or unworthy. Jesus certainly was not harsh or oppressive.  On the contrary, he assured his followers that by drawing close to him and practicing his teachings, they would be refreshed, for his yoke was kindly and his load was light. People of both sexes and of all ages felt at ease in his presence.  - MATTHEW 11:30.

In his association with the common people of Israel. Jesus had compassion for them because they were disadvantaged, and he gave loving attention  to their needs. Near Jericho, he enc0untered a blind beggar named Bartimaeus and his unnamed blind companion.  They persistently asked for Jesus' help, but the crowd sternly urged the man to be quiet. How easy it would have been  to ignore the pleas of the blind men!  Instead, Jesus asked that they be brought to him, and moved with pity, he restored their sight. Yes, Jesus imitated his Father, by displaying humility and showing mercy to lowly sinners. - MATTHEW 20:29-34; MARK 10:46-52.


Jesus Christ' life course is a cause of joy and is highly beneficial. Jehovah rejoiced at seeing his beloved Son humbly subject himself to the divine will.  The apostles and disciples were refreshed by Jesus' mild temper and lowliness of heart. His example, his teachings, and his warm commendation stimulated them to progress spiritually.  Common people benefited from  Jesus' humility because they became recipients of his help, his teachings, and his encouragement. Actually, all redeemable mankind will reap long-term benefits from Jesus' ransom sacrifice.

Next time:  Jesus Set the Pattern of Humility - JESUS WILL "RIDE IN THE CAUSE OF TRUTH AND HUMILITY"

From the jw.org publications

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