
When Tragedy Strikes - How You Can Cope - Loss of a Loved One

Ronaldo, in  Brazil, was in a car accident that took the lives of  five family members, including his mother and father.  "I was in the hospital for two months before I was told that they had died in the crash," he says.

"At first, I could not believe that they were gone.  How could they all be dead? Once I realized that it was true, I was shocked.  I had never felt such pain. In the days that followed, I felt that life was not worth living without them. I cried everyday for months!  I blamed myself of letting someone else drive the car.  If only I had been driving, they might still be alive.

"Sixteen years have passed, and I have been able to get back to my routine of life. However, their tragic death has left a void in my heart that is  yet to be filled." 

Next time:  When Tragedy Strikes - How You Can Cope - COPING WITH TRAGEDY

From the jw.org publications

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