
Keep Cultivating Tender Affection - HOW CAN WE SHOW TENDER AFFECTION TODAY?


The Bible tells us to "love one another intensely from the heart." (1 Peter 1:22) Jehovah sets the example for us.  His love is so intense that if we are loyal to him, nothing can break that bond.  (Romans 8:38, 39) The Greek word rendered  "intensely" conveys  the idea of stretching outward-even straining.  At times, we may need to "stretch" and "strain" in order to have tender affection for a fellow believer .  When others upset us,  we need to continue "putting up with one another in love, earnestly  endeavoring to maintain the oneness of the spirit in the uniting  bond of peace." (Ephesians 4:1-3) When we work to maintain the "bond of peace," we will look beyond our brother's faults. We will try our best to view our brothers as Jehovah does. - 1 SAMUEL 16:7; PSALM 130:3. 

It is not always easy to show tender affection for our brothers and sisters, especially when we are aware of their faults.  Apparently, this was a challenge for sone first century Christians.  For example, Euodia and Syntyche likely had no problems working "side by side with [Paul] for the good news." But  for some reason they had difficulty getting along wiht each other. So Paul urged them "to be of the same mind in the Lord." - PHILIPPIANS 4:2, 3. 

How can we cultivate tender affection for our brothers and sisters today?  When we get to know fellow believers better we may find it easier to understand them and to develop tender affection for them. Age and background need not be a barrier,  Remember Jonathan was about 30 years older than David; yet he developed a close friendship with him. Could you take an interest in someone who is older-or younger -than you?  By doing so, you can show that you "have love for the whole association of brothers." - 1 PETER 2:17. 

Does tender affection for fellow believers mean that we will feel equally close to everyone in the congregation? No, that would not be realistic. It is not necessarily worng to be drawn more to some than to others because of having similar interests.  Jesus referred to all his apostles as "friends," but he had  a special affection for John.  (John 13:23; 15:15; 20:2) However, Jesus did not show favoritism to John.  For instance, when John and his brother James asked him for a prominent position in God's Kingdom, Jesus told them: "To sit down at my right hand or at my left is not mine to give." (Mark 10:35-44) In imitation of Jesus, we should not show favoritism to our close friends.  (James 2:3, 4) Doing so would promote a divisive spirit-something tha thas no place in the Christian congregation. - JUDE 17-19. 

Next time: Keep Cultivating Tender Affection - HOW CAN  WE SHOW TENDER AFFECTION TODAY? Conclusion 

From the jw.org publications

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