
Prevention in the Home- The End of Abuse


Properly applied, the foregoing information can do much to reduce the chance of child abuse in your hoe.  Remember, though, that abusers work in secrecy, they take advantage of trust, and they use adult tactics on innocent children. Inevitably, then, some of them do seem to get away with their disgusting crimes. 

However, rest assured that God sees what they do.  (Job 34:22)  Unless they repent and change he will not forget their vile acts. He will bring them out into the open in his due time.  (Compare Matthew 10:26) And he will exact justice. Jehovah God promises a time when all such treacherous people will be 'torn away from the earth,' and only the meek and gentle who love God and fellowman will be allowed to remain. (Proverbs 2:22; Psalm 37:10, 11,29; 2 Peter 2:9-12)We have that marvelous hope of a new world thanks to the ransom sacrifice of Jesus Christ.  (1 Timothy 2:6) Then, and only then, will abuse  end forever.

In the meantime we must do all we can to protect our children. They are so precious! Most parents will readily put their own safety at risk in order to protect their little children.  (Compare John 5:13.) If we don't protect our children, the consequences can be horrible. If we do, we give them a wonderful gift-a childhood that feels innocent and free from calamity.  They can feel just as the psalmist,  who wrote: "I will say to Jehovah: 'You are my refuge and my stronghold, my God in whom I trust." - PSALM 91:2.

One survivor of years of incest said:  "Abuse kills children, it kills their trust, their right to feel innocent. That's why children have to be protected. Because now I have to rebuild my whole life. Why make more child do that?

Why indeed?

Next time: Prevention in the Home - Listen to the Children!

From the jw.org publications

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