
YOUNG PEOPLE ASK / Why Should I Help Others


Two secrets that many people don't know

Secret #1:  When you give, you are likely to get back! 

Note: But you should give in order to get something back, that is as bad as not helping at all.  You should give because you want to, not because you might get somthing back.  That is about as self-centered as you can get. They should have mentioned that here.  But they didn't, so I will. That is how I was brought up to do it out of kindness without expecting anything in return.

People will notice that you are generous.  As a result, they'll probably be generous to you.  The Bible puts it this way: 

"Practice giving, and people give to you. . . .With the measure that you are measuring out, they will measure out to you in return."  -LUKE 6:38. 

"They way you treat others is the way you will be treated." - LUKE 6:38, Contemporary English Version.

Secret #2:   When you help others, you help yourself!

Doing good things for others boosts your self-respect and makes you feel the satisfaction that comes from giving.  The Bible puts it this way:

"There is more happiness than there is in receiving." - ACTS 20:35.

"When you spread a feast, invite poor people, crippled, lame, blind, and you will always be happy because they have nothing in which to repay  you." - LUKE 4:13, 14.

Next time:YOUN G PEOPLE ASK / Why Should I Help Others - Young People Who Care

From the jw.org publications

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