
The Great Crowd of Other Sheep Praise God and Christ - A NEW UNDERSTANDING CHANGED THOUSANDS OF LIVES


A thrilling moment at that covention came when the speaker asked the audience: "Will all those who have the hope of living forever on the earth please stand?" According to an eyewitness, over half of the same 20,000 people in the audience stood.  Then Brother  Rutherford  declared: "Behold! The Great multidude!"  That was followed by thunderous cheering.  SThose who stood realized thaty they were not chosen for heavenly life.  They knew that they had not been anointedf by God's spirit.  On the next day of the convention, 840 new Witnesses got baptized, most of whom were of the other sheep. 

After that talk, the young man mentioned earlier and thousands of others  rightly stopped partaking of the bread and wine at the Lord's Evening Meal.  One brother humbly partook of the emblems. I realized that the heavenly hope had not been awakened within me by Jehovah through his holy spirit; rather, I had the hope  to live on the earth and to share in the work of making it a paradise." (Romans 8:16, 17; 2 Corinthians 1:21, 22) Since then, those of the great crowd have increased in number and have been working side by side with the anointed remnant. 

How Jehovah view those who stopped partaking of the bread and the wine at the Lord's Evening Meal but later realizes that he or she is not truly anointed? (1 Corinthians 11:28)  Some  have partaken of the emblems because they misunderstood their hope. But if they honestly acknowledge their mistake, stop partaking, and continue faithfully serving Jehovah, he will surely count them among the other sheep.  Even though they do not partake of the bread and wine, they still attend the Memorial because they deeply appreciate what Jehovah and Jesus have done.

Next time: The Great Crowd of Other Sheep Praise God and Christ - A UNIQUE PROSPECT

From the jw.org publications 

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