

To my readers: The reason why there has not been many blogs in the afternoon, is because the Internet keeps going off for some stupid reason.  The only time it has stayed on all day is when it is raining. I have been busy, so I have not been able to call the cable people to come and check it out.  But when it does it fixed, if ever.  I will be doing a third blog every day until the Internet decides to take another break.  God bless you all and thank you for your patience. 

A major cause of rebellion is the world's satanic environment.  "The whole world is lying in the power of the wicked one."  ( 1 John 5:19)   The world in Satan's power has developed a harmful culture with which Christians have to contend.  (John 17:15)  Much of that culture is coarser, more dangerous, and full with more bad influences today than in the past. (2 Timothy 3:1-5, 13)  
If parents  do not educate, warn, and protect their children, young ones can be easily overwhelmed by "the spirit that now operates in the sons of disobedience."  (Ephesians 2:2) Related to this is peer pressure.  The Bible says:  "He that is having dealings with the stupid ones will fare badly." (Proverbs 13:20) Similarly, he that keeps company with those who are imbued with the spirit of this world is likely to be influence by that spirit.  Young 0nes require constant help if they are to appreciate that obedience to godly principles is the foundation of the very best way of life. -Isaiah 48:17, 18.

note:  If you know the difference between good and bad and the kids know these people that are bad influences that do bad things, that is no excuse to do them. If they are taught better,they can, if they want to, resist doing these things.  And another thing is, sometimes, you don't need a bad influence to take up bad habits. You can see what is going around your own home or  outside the home.  Your relatives, if they smoke or drink etc.  There is no excuse for picking up bad habits when you know right from wrong. You don't have to pay attention to peer pressure, if you do not want to. People/kids, always be true to yourself and do not try to be someone you are not.  What people don't seem to understand or get a clue of, is that it is what God wants that counts, not man. So if we do not follow his commandments and statutes, then  we are not going to have a good life. We will regret not following what God wants.  We need to obey or be punished like his children, adults or not.

Another cause of rebellion might be the atmosphere in the home. For example, if one parent is an alcoholic, abuses drugs, or is violent toward the other parent, the teenager's view of life can be warped. ( That depends also on how you were raised from childhood up, however, it can affect  a young girl's self esteem and a boy's confidence in some ways)  Even in relatively tranquil homes, rebellion may break out when a child feels that his parents  have no interest in him.  However, teenage rebellion is not always caused by external influences.  Some children turn their backs on parental values despite having   parents who abide godly principles and who shelter them, to a great extent, from the world around them.  Why?  Perhaps because of another root of out problems-human imperfection. Paul said:  "Through one man, [Adam] sin entered into the world and death through sin, and thus death spread to all men because they had all sinned." (Romans 5:12)  Adam was a selfish rebel, and he left all his offspring a bad legacy.  Some youths just choose to rebel,m as their forefather did. 



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