

Discipline is training that corrects the mind and heart.  Children need it constantly. Paul counsels fathers to "go on bringing [their children ] up in the discipline and mental-regulating of Jehovah." (Ephesians 6:4) Parents should discipline in love, just as Jehovah does. (Hebrews 12:4-11) Discipline based on love can be conveyed by reasoning.  Hence, we are told to "listen to discipline." (Proverbs 8:33) How should discipline be given? 

Some parents  think that disciplining their children involves merely speaking to them in threatening tones, scolding them, or even insulting them.    However, on the same subject, Paul cautions:  "You, fathers, do no be irritating your children." (Ephesians 6:4)  All Christians are urged to be "gentle toward all . . .instructing them with mildness those not favorably disposed." ( 2 Timothy 2:24, 25) 

 (Note: Talking to them gently-nicely, does not work half the time. That is the same thing as letting them get away with it. It shows in the Bible, that a when a son is acting out-being bad, that you should a rod for his back, I would say, his butt.  I have seen what happens to kids who are just talked to gently and mildly.  They overrun their parents. I am saying you should beat them, but  a good pat on the butt, where they feel a slight sting usually works the best. The thing is there are stupid people out there who don't know the difference between a beating and a spanking. There is a difference and a spanking works, at least it did back in my days.  My mother only had to spank me two times in my child life and that was enough to show me who was boss and I respected her more) Christian parents, while recognizing  the need for firmness, try to keep these words in mind when disciplining their children. At times, though, reasoning is insufficient, and some kind of punishment may be needed. -Proverbs 22:15. 

Different children require different kind of discipline.  Some are not "corrected by mere words."  For them, the occasional punishment administered for disobedience may be lifesaving.  (Proverbs 17:10; 23:13:14; 29:19)  A child, though, should understand why is is being punished.  "The rod and reproof are what gave wisdom." (Proverbs 29:15; Job 6:24)  Moreover, punishment has boundaries.  "I shall have to chastise you to the proper degree," said Jehovah to his people.  (Jeremiah 46:28b)   The Bible does not endorse angry whippings or beatings, (you do not do this while you are angry, calm down first)  which could bruise or injure a child. -Proverbs 16:32.  (It is possible to spank without bruising. But each child is different, certain  things work better for other children spankings worked best for us.  My parents had nothing to take away from us to punish us and since i was sensitive, I did not need much, just a dirty look would do it for me.)  
When Jehovah warned his people that he would discipline them.  He first said:  "Do not be afraid . . .for I am with you." (Jeremiah 46:28a) Likewise, parental discipline , in whatever appropriate form, should never leave a child feeling rejected (Colossians 3:21) Rather, the child should sense that discipline is given because the parent is 'with him,' on his side. 



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