

Daniel will want to know about the world in which he will find himself at that time-a world so unlike that of his day. Gone will be every trace of the wars and oppression that marred the world he knew.  There will be no sorrow, no sickness, no death.  (Isaiah 25:8; 33:24) But there will be an abundance of food, plentiful housing, and fulfilling work for all. (Psalm 72:16; Isaiah 65:21, 22)  Mankind will be one united, happy family.

Daniel will definitely have a place in that world.  "You will stand up for your lot,"  The angel told him.  The Hebrew word here translated "lot" is the same as that used for literal plots of land.  Daniel may have been familiar with Ezekiel's prophecy on the apportioning of the restored land of Israel.  (Ezekiel 47:13-48:35)  In its Paradise fulfillment, what does Ezekiel's prophecy suggest?  That all of God's people will have a place in Paradise, even the land itself being apportioned  in an orderly and just manner.  Of course, Daniel's lot in Paradise will involve more than mere land.  It will include his place in God's purpose there.  Daniel's promised reward is guaranteed. 

What though, about your lot? The same promises can apply to you.  Jehovah wants obedient humans to  "stand up" for their lot, to have a place in Paradise.   Just think!  Surely, it will be a thrill to meet Daniel in person, along with other faithful men and women of Bible times.  Then there will be countless others returning from the dead, needing instruction so as to know and love Jehovah God. Picture yourself caring for our earthly home and helping to turn it into a paradise of infinite variety and undying beauty.  Think of being taught  by Jehovah,  learning how to live the way he meant mankind to live.  (Isaiah 11:9; John 6:45)  Yes, there is a place for you in Paradise.  (But you have to be in with God-in faith, trust, following commandments, statutes- being a true Christian.) Strange though Paradise  may sound to some today, remember that Jehovah originally  designed mankind to live in such a place. (Genesis 2:7-9)  In that sense, Paradise is the natural habitat of earth's billions.  It is where they belong. Reaching it will be like going home. (wicked, corrupt, greedy, fornicating etc. people will not be allowed) 

Our hearts burn with appreciation when we think of all of this, do they not?  Do you yourself not yearn to be there? No wonder, then, that Jehovah's Witnesse4s are eager to know when the end of this system of things will come!  Waiting is not easy.  Jehovah acknowledges as much, for he urges us to "keep in expectation" of the end "even it it should delay."  He means that it may seem to delay from our point of view, for in the same scripture, we are assured:  "It will not be late." (Habakkuk 2:3 compare Proverbs 13:12) Yes, the end will come right on time.

What should you do as the end nears?  Like Jehovah's beloved prophet Daniel, endure faithfully.  Study God's Word diligently. Pray fervently. Lovingly associated with fellow believers. Zealously  teach the truth to others.  With the end of this wicked system of things drawing closer every day, remain determined to be a loyal servant of the Most High and a staunch advocate of his Word.  By all means, pay attention to Daniel's prophecy! And may the Sovereign Lord Jehovah grant you the privilege of standing before him joyfully throughout all eternity! 



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