
A Need for Someone to Care

There surely is a need for someone to care. For example, think about the lonely man in Germany who was "found sitting in front of his television set-five years after his death at Christmas." This  "divorced , disabled loner," embittered by his sad experiences in life, was not missed until the bank account that paid his rent was exhausted.  No one really cared about him. 

Think, too, of the helpless victims of powerful, greedy overlords.  In one area about 200,000 people (a quarter of the population) "died from repression and famine" after their land was violently seized from them.  Or think of the children who were exposed to almost unbelievable savagery. Said one report: "The percentage of children in [one land] who witnessed multiple atrocities -killings, beatings, rape, sometimes committed by other adolescents, is staggering."  You can understand why a victim of such injustices might tearfully ask, "Does anyone really care about me?"

According to the United Nations report, 1.3 billion people in the developing world  have to survive on the equivalent of less than one U.S. dollar a day. They must wonder if anyone cares. So do thousands of refugees who, says a report in The Irish Times, "are faced with the unpalatable choice of staying in a wretched camp or inhospitable country or attempting to return to a homeland still riven [or, torn apart] by war or ethnic division." the same report included this chilling exercise:  Close your eyes, count to three, a child has just died. One of the 35,000 children that will die today  from malnutrition or preventable disease."  No wonder many cry out in distress and bitterness! -Compare Job 7:11. 

Note: I can tell you this, and it is a sad, sad case, that is true;  I live in an income based apartment, which I do not like, but cannot afford to live anywhere else. Someone that has lived here for several years that A gentlemen who lived in one of these apartments had  been dead for two weeks before he finally found.  It make me sick, but that is the way of this wicked, wicked world.  No one! really cares, especially the elderly. Even some of these people's children and relatives don't care. They treat them like they some stupid, useless child that they never wanted; and these poor people are their blood relation.   The same goes for the government.  They don't care either. I see this all the time. Some of these elderly people, go to the nutrition center to get a healthy nutritious meal and usually get fatty foods that could kill them, because some of these people have diabetes or heart trouble or some other problem that this food could end up killing even faster. At least one of the food pantry's I have too in the past two years, give out a bunch of sweets and junk food that is hardly nutritious at all. I quit going to that one. The Choctaws have a food pantry that they can go to that looks like a supermarket/grocery store and are allowed to pick what they want down each aisle. I understand that they were treated wrongly those many centuries ago, but God says: There should be no partiality between the races etc.  The other races just have to take what they are given.  
The soldiers go off to war to fight because the government gives them some sense of right that even they don't know what it is. Then the soldiers, some that do come back are maimed so bad, they need a lot of help in medication and medical care, but does the government care. Hardly!   This is a  sad and wicked, wicked world. The charities who do help, only give out a portion of the money they get, and pocket the rest. This is called administration fees.  I thought charity was suppose to be volunteer; and that the people who need the help only get a small portion. I believe it is better to just find the people and give it to them or buy them food, clothing, help with rent, utilities, etc.   The only charity I feel need it the most are the ones who actually help the most and that is the Salvation Army, the Shelters who care for the animals, and the ones for the children. There are to be no cures in today's world. The Bible says: Our hairs are numbered. That means that when it is time for us to go, we go, regardless and no arguments.  
  In all honesty and truth, I truly believe that the government are trying discreetly, to kill the elderly off in one way or another. They are not above doing this and very much capable of doing so from some of the things I have learned in the past 20 years or so.  This is what is meant when they say that Satan is running the world. 

Next time: Someone Really Does Care ( Sorry, but my experiences tell me otherwise.)

From the Watchtower magazine, 1999 

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