
KEYS TO FAMILY HAPPINESS - Cultivate Spirituality as a Couple

CHALLENGE 2: We have different abilities. 
"I have never been one to sit down and read a book," says Tony. His wife, Natalie says:  "I love to read, and I love to talk about what I've learned. Sometimes I think Tony is a bit intimidated by me when we discuss Bible-based material."

A possible solution:  Be supportive, not competitive or judgmental. Complement and encourage your mate's strengths.  "My wife's enthusiasm for discussing Bible topics can be a little overwhelming at times," says Tony, "and in the past i was reluctant to discuss spiritual subjects with her.  However, Natalie  is very supportive. Now we regularly discuss spiritual matters together, and I've discovered that there is nothing to be afraid of. I enjoy talking about these topics with her. It has helped us become more relaxed and at peace as a couple."  

Many couples have found that their marriage improves when they set aside a regular time each week to read and study the Bible together. A word of caution, though: Apply any points of counsel to yourself, not to your mate.  (Galatians 6:4) Discuss contentious marital issues at another time, not during your study sessions. Why not? 

Consider this: If you were eating a meal with your family, would you choose that time to dress a festering wound?  Not likely. You would ruin everyone's appetite. Jesus compared learning about and doing God's will to eating food. (Matthew 4":4; John 4:34) If you talk about emotional wounds each time you open the Bible, you could cause your mate to lose his or her spiritual appetite. Certainly, you need to discuss problems. But deal with those matters at a time set aside for that purpose. -Proverbs 10:19; 15:23. 

TRY THIS: Write down two or three qualities of your mate that you appreciate most. When you next discuss spiritual matters related to those qualities, tell your mate how much you appreciate the way he or she displays them. 

You Reap What You Sow 

If you sow, or cultivate, spirituality as a couple, you will eventually reap  a more peaceful and rewarding marriage. In fact, God's Word guarantees that "whatever a man is sowing, this he will also reap." -Galatians 6:7.

Frederick and Leanne, quoted at the beginning of this article, learned the truth of that Bible principle. They have now been married for 45 years and know that perseverance pays off.  "I use to blame my wife for the lack of communication," says Frederick.   "However, in time, I realized that I had to make an effort too."  Leanne says:  "What really helped us through the difficult times was our mutual love of Jehovah God. Throughout the years, we have regularly studied and prayed together. As I see Frederick making an effort to improve in showing Christian qualities, it makes it easier for me to love him."

Next time: LEARN FROM GOD'S WORD-How Do God's Laws Benefit Us?

From the Watchtower magazine, 2011

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