
Bible truth satisfied my thirst for answers

MY PAST:  I was born in Baku, Azerbaijan, as the second of two children.  My father was Muslim, and my mother was Jewish. My parents loved each other and accepted their differing beliefs. Mom supported Dad when he fasted during Ramadan, and Dad supported Mom when she observed the Passover. In our home we had the Koran, the Torah, and the Bible.

I considered myself a Muslim. Although I never questioned God's existence, there were issues that puzzled me. I wondered, 'Why did God create humans, and for what useful purpose would someone suffer his entire life only to be tormented forever in hell?' Since people said that everything that happens is God's will, I wondered, 'Is God just a puppeteer who enjoys watching people suffer?  When I was 12 years old, i started to pray namaz, the Muslim's five daily ceremonial prayers. About that time, Father sent my sister and me to a Jewish school. Among other subjects, we were taught Torah traditions and the Hebrew language. Before daily classroom lessons, we had to pray according to Jewish tradition. Thus, in the morning, I prayed namaz at home, and later in the day, I joined Jewish prayers in school.

I desperately hungered for logical answers to  my questions. I repeatedly asked the rabbis at  school:  "Why did God create humans? How does God view my Muslim father? He is a good man, so why is he considered unclean? Why did God create him?" The few answers I received were irrational and unconvincing. 


From the Watchtower magazine, 2015 

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