
KEYS TO FAMILY HAPPINESS-Cultivate Spirituality as a Couple - CHALLENGE 1

CHALLENGE 1: We can't find the time.

"My husband picks me up from work at 7:00 p.km.," says Sue, who has been married a short time.  "When we get home, all the chores are waiting for us. It's a struggle between mind and body; our minds tell us that we need to spend time learning about God together, but our bodies crave some rest."

A possible solution: Be adaptable and cooperative.  Sue says: "My husband and I decided to get up early and read and discuss a portion of the Bible together before going to work.  He also helps me with some of the chores so that I have time to spend with him."  What benefits come from making this extra effort?  Sue's husband, Ed, says:"I've found that when Sue and I regularly discuss spiritual matters together, we cope more effectively with the problems we face and we manage our anxieties better."

In addition to talking to each other, it is vital that you spend a few minutes each day praying together. How may that help?  "A little while ago," says Ryan, who has been married for 16 years, "my wife and I went through a very difficult time in our relationship.  But we made time to pray together each night, expressing our concerns to God. I feel that praying together helped us to resolve our problems and to regain joy in our marriage."

TRY THIS: Set aside just a  few minutes at the end of each day to discuss any good things that happened to you as a couple, things you can thank God for. Also talk about challenges you face, ones that you especially need God's help to cope with. Caution:  DO not use this as an opportunity to list your mate's faults. Instead, when you pray together, mention only those issues that you need to work on together. The next day, act in harmony with the requests you made in the prayer. 

Next time: Conclusion of KEYS TO FAMILY HAPPINESS-Cultivate Spirituality as a Couple -CHALLENGE 2

From the Watchtower magazine, 2011

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