
Continue with How Can Fathers Stay Close to Their Sons - Pursue Common Interests

Some teenage sons may seem indifferent to a father's attempts to communicate with them. If you son appears to be evading your questions, do not conclude that  he is closed to any  conversation. He may be more willing to open up if you adapt the way you communicate with him. 

Jacques, a father who lives in France, sometimes found  it difficult to communicate with his son, Jerome. But instead of forcing his son to talk, he adapted his approach-he played soccer with him.  "After our physical exercise," says Jacques, "we use to sit on the grass and rest  a bit.  My son often opened  his heart at that time.  The simple fact that we were together and, I think , that he had me to himself during these times, created a special bond between us." 

What if your son does not like sports?  Andre' fondly remembers the hours he spent gazing at the stars with his son.  "We would set up deck chairs in the cold night air," says Andre'.  "Then we would wrap ourselves up warmly and, with a cup of tea in hand, observe the night sky. We talked about the One who created the stars. We talked about personal matters. We talked about almost everything." -Isaiah 40:25, 26.

What if you do not like to do some of the things that interest your son?  In that case, you may have to forgo personal preferences.  (Philippians 2:4) "I was far more interested in sports than my son Vaughan was," says Ian, who lives in South Africa.  "He liked airplanes and computers.  So I made those things my interest too, taking him to air shows and playing with a flight simulator on the computer. I feel that because we shared enjoyable activities together, Vaughan was able to speak more freely with me." 

Next time: Conclusion of Build His Self-Confidence

From the Watchtower magazine, 2011 

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