

In view of all this, it is best to be cautious when it comes to borrowing money. It is prudent to ask:  Is there a real need to borrow?  Is it a matter of saving your means of livelihood so as to care for your family?  Or is there a measure of greed involved, perhaps a desire to live beyond one's mean?  In most cases, it would be better to make do with less than to obligate oneself by borrowing.

Of course, there may be exceptions, such as when an emergency arises and there does not seem to be any other way out. Even so, if a person decides to borrow, he should show himself to be a person of good principles. How can this be done? 

First, never take advantage  of someone just because  he or she seems to be better-off than others.  We should not feel that when a person appears to be well-off, he owes it to us to help us financially. Nor should we feel that we are free of any moral obligation to act with honest intentions toward such a person. Do not be envious of those who seem to enjoy financial security. -Proverbs 28:22.

 Then,  make sure to repay what you have borrowed, and do so promptly. If the lender doe snot stipulate a specific timetable, you should, and you should stick to it. It is recommended  that you put your agreement in writing in order to avoid misunderstandings on either side.  (Jeremiah 32:9, 10) If possible, return what is borrowed to the lender personally so that you can thank him yourself.  Conscientiousness in returning what you borrow makes for good relations.  Jesus said in his Sermon on the Mount:  "Just let  your word 'Yes, mean yes, your 'No,' no." (Matthew 5:37) In addition, always bear in mind the Golden Rule: "All things, therefore, that you want men to do to you, you also must do to them." - Matthew 7:12.


From the Watchtower magazine, 2014

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