
GOD'S KINGDOM A Government With No Corruption

"At the end of the day, public officials are still citizens ans we are all a product of society."  So stated the chief auditor of Nicaragua when explaining why he felt that government was impossible to eliminate.

Would you not agree that if human society is corrupt, then any government that is a part it it will inevitably be corrupt? If that is the case, then a government free of corruption must come from outside human society. The Bible describes just such a government-God's Kingdom, the government for which Jesus taught his followers  to pray. -Matthew 6:9, 10. 

God's Kingdom is a real government that rules  from heaven. It will replace all human governments. (Psalm 2:89, 9; Revelation 16:14; 19:19-21) Among the blessings that the Kingdom will bring to mankind is the elimination of government corruption. Consider six features of the Kingdom that guarantee this. 


THE PROBLEM: Human governments are funded by their citizens, most often through taxes and duties.  This flow of  money tempts some officials to steal, while others  accept bribes from individuals who want them to reduce their taxes or other payments due  the government. A vicious  circle may result-the government raises taxes to make up for such losses, and this in turn fosters more corruption. In an environment like that, people who are honest may suffer the most. 

THE SOLUTION: God's Kingdom receives its power from the almighty God, Jehovah. (Revelation 11:15)  It does not need to collect taxes to pay for its operation. Instead, God's  "awe-inspiring power" and his unselfish generosity ensure that the Kingdom will abundantly provide for the needs of all its subjects. -Isaiah 40:26; Psalm 145:16. 


THE PROBLEM: The effort to eliminate corruption "must start at the top," observes Susan Rose-Ackerman, quoted in the preceding article. Governments lose credibility when they try to eradicate corruption among police or customs officers while tolerating  it among high officials. And even the most ethical human ruler is subject to inherent imperfection. As the Bible says, "there is not righteous man on earth who always does good." -Ecclesiastes 7:20. 

THE SOLUTION: Unlike imperfect humans, Jesus Christ, whom God has selected to be Ruler of the Kingdom, cannot be tempted into doing what is wrong. Jesus showed this by rejecting the most massive bribe ever offered-"all the kingdoms of the world and their glory."  Jesus was promised this in exchange for  one act of false worship to the ruler of the world, the Devil.  (Matthew 4:8-10; John 14:30) Even when Jesus was being tortured to death, he was so determined to maintain his integrity that he refused a drug that would dulled the pain but might have left him without full command of his senses.  (Matthew 27:34) Now raised back to heavenly life by God, Jesus has proved that he is fully qualified  to rule over the Kingdom.


THE PROBLEM:  Many countries hold elections regularly, which in theory allows people to vote corrupt officials out of office.  The reality, though, is that campaigns and elections are prone to corruption, even in so-called developed countries. By means of campaign contributions and other actions, the rich can unduly influence current and future office holders. 

Justice John Paul Stevens of the U.S.Supreme Court wrote that such influence threatens "not only the legitimacy and quality of Government but also the public's faith therein."  It is little wonder, then, that many people worldwide have the perception that political parties are the most corrupt of all institutions.  

THE SOLUTION: God's Kingdom removes the possibility of campaign or electoral fraud by being a stable, permanent rulership. (Daniel 7:13, 14) Since its Ruler  is chosen by God, the Kingdom is neither validated by elections nor subject to overthrow. Its stability helps to ensure that the actions it takes are always in the best long-term interests of the people. 

Next time: Conclusion of GOD'S KINGDOM A Government With No Corruption - 4. LAWS

From the Watchtower magazine, 2015

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