

Linh lives in Southeast Asia. She told AWAKE! how the Bible helped her to improve her quality of life. 

What is your religious background?

I come from a Buddhist family that follows tradition. I knew nothing of the true God. 

Were you satisfied with your life? 

On the contrary!  I had many problems. I was unable to budget money. I did not know how to find good friends, and I could not help my parents with their problems.

Then your life took a turn for the better. Tell us how.

Some young women who were Jehovah's Witnesses began teaching me the Bible. When I had problems, I sought their guidance. Even though they were  younger than I was, they gave me excellent advice-but not based on their own views.  They showed  me what the Bible says.

Now that I have experienced the benefits of apply Bible teachings, I am fully convinced that this book is from God and that it can help anyone who strives to live by it. Secular education-although having its place-cannot do that.

Can you enlarge on that?

My parents have a college education and a high station in society. Yet, they have not found answers to their problems. In fact, they are divorced and unhappy.  When I went to college, I was told that there are times when society can be improved only by violence.  The Bible, however, tells us that no human  efforts can have lasting success, for God gave us neither the ability to govern ourselves nor the authority to do so. That's why human rule in all its forms is flawed and prone to corruption. But when we subject ourselves to God, we can greatly improve our life and be a good influence eon others. 

How has the Bible helped you? 

In many practical ways. I have fewer worries, and I now have good friends. I have learned to budget money and can afford to travel a little. Most of all, I can help others when they are in need.  


From the AWAKE! magazine, 2015

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