
Growing Older Together


It is a sad but true fact that in the present system of things, married couples are eventually separated by death. Bereaved Christian spouses know that their loved ones are not sleeping, and they are confident that they will see them again.  (John 11:11, 25)  But the loss is still grievous. How can the surviving one deal with it? 

Bearing in mind what a certain Bible character did will help.  Anna was widowed after only seven years of marriage, and when we read of her, she was 84 years old.  We can be sure that she grieved when she lost her husband.  How did she cope?  She rendered sacred service to Jehovah God at the temple night and day.  (Luke 2:36-38) Anna's life of prayerful service was undoubtedly a great antidote to the sorrow and loneliness  she felt as a widow.

"The biggest challenge for me has been having no partner to talk to," explains a 72-year-old woman who was widowed ten years ago.  "My husband was a good listener. We would talk about the congregation and our share in the Christian ministry."  Another widow says: "Although time heals, I have found it more accurate  to say that it is what one does with one's time that helps one to heal. You are in better a position to help others."  A 67-year-old widower agrees, saying "A wonderful way to cope with bereavement is to give of yourself in comforting others."

Next time: Growing Older Together/VALUED BY GOD IN OLD AGE

From the book: The Secret of FAMILY HAPPINESS 

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