
Train Your Child From Infancy


Discipline is training that corrects the mind and heart.  Children need it constantly. Paul counsels fathers to "go on bringing  [their children] up in the discipline and mental-regulating of Jehovah." (Ephesians 6:4) Parents should discipline in love, just as Jehovah does.  (Hebrews 12:4-11) Discipline based on love can be conveyed by reasoning.  Hence we are told to "listen to discipline." (Proverbs 8:33) How should discipline be given? 

Some parents think that disciplining their children involves merely  speaking to them in  threatening tones, scolding them, or even insulting them. However, on the same subject, Paul cautions:  "You fathers, do not be  irritating your children."  (Ephesians 6:4)  All Christians urged to be "gentle toward all . . . instructing with mildness those not favorably disposed."  (2 Timothy 2:24, 25)  Christian parents, while recognizing the  need for firmness, try to keep these words in mind when disciplining their children. At times, though, reasoning is insufficient, and some kind of punishment may be needed. - Proverbs 22:15. 

Note: When I was growing up, I rarely got a spanking, because I was shy and quiet and stayed out of trouble, but when I did do something, I got a spanking, for which I deserved. (Not a beating, a spanking. There is a difference here; only tell that to the sorry society and government out there.  You do not keep hitting and hitting. You only need to do this  once or twice on the bottom,  with your hand to show that you, not the kids are the boss.  I, for one respect my parents for doing that, because I learned the difference between right and wrong and have tried my best to stick with it my whole adult life. Yes, we all make mistakes, for which we should learn from them, I have.  Back when I was growing  up and even before then, a lot of parents disciplined their children by spanking them. Reasoning with them does not work on all children, neither does putting them in a corner or take privileges away, for most it makes them resent you. This nonsense is from all those stupid shrinks who don't care about anyone but the money.  And from people who uses it on their kids and it may have worked, but, in my opinion, that may be fine for them, but not for all children.  Just look at the teenagers today.  By looking and seeing their behavior on the news or just everyday.  Do they look like their discipline worked? Maybe on  20 out of 20, 000.  But there are still millions that it doesn't work.   Most teenagers are mouthy, disrespectful, and think  and feel that all adults owe them something.  And the adults who feel that way, did their discipline work on them?  

Different children require different kinds of discipline.  Some are not "corrected by mere words." For them, the occasional punishment administered for disobedience may be lifesaving.  (Proverbs 17:10, 13, 14: 29:19) A child though, should understand why he is being punished.  "The rod and reproof are what give wisdom." (Proverbs 29:15; Job 6:24)  Moreover, punishment has boundaries.  "I shall have to chastise you to the proper degree," said Jehovah to his people.  (Jeremiah 46:28B)  The Bible in no way endorse angry whippings or severe beatings, which bruise and even injure a child. -Proverbs 16:32)  

When Jehovah warned his people that he would discipline them, he first said:  "Do not be afraid . . . for I am with you." (Jeremiah 46:28a) Likewise, parental discipline, in whatever appropriate  form, should never leave a child feeling rejected.  (Colossians 3:21) Rather, the child should sense that discipline is given because the parent is 'with him.' on  his side.

Next time: Train Your Child From Infancy/PROTECT YOUR CHILD FROM HARM

From the book: The Secret of FAMILY HAPPINESS 

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