
You Can Overcome Problems That Damage a Family


The Bible places among the works condemned by God"  "enmities, strife, . . . fits of anger" and states that  "those who practice such things will not inherit God's Kingdom."  (Galatians 5:19-21) Therefore, anyone claiming to be a Christian who repeatedly and unrepentantly gives in to violent fits of anger, perhaps including physical abuse of spouse or children, can be disfellowshipped from the Christian congregation.   (Compare 2 John 9, 10) In this way the congregation is kept clean of abusive persons. - 1 Corinthians 5:6, 7; Galatians 5:9. 

What about Christians who are currently being battered by an abusive spouse who shows no sign of changing?  Some have chosen to stay with the abusive spouse for one reason or another.  Others have chosen to leave, feeling that -their physical, mental, and spiritual health-perhaps even their life-is in danger. (Note; That's because it is in danger) What a victim of domestic violence chooses to do in these circumstances is a personal decision before Jehovah.  (1 Corinthians 7:10, 11) Well-meaning friends, relatives, or Christian elders may wish to offer help and counsel, but they should not put pressure on a victim to take any particular course of action. That is his or her own decision to make. -Romans 14:4; Galatians 6:5.   

Note: Know this, since they are control freaks, they usually do not give up control of you, they will try to find you and beg you to come back, that they will change. Believe me, they do not change!  They Need that control over you.  They  also do not want you to have any friends or be around them or your relatives. They want you all to themselves so they can control you and do what they want with you and they will tell you anything or try anything to get you back under that control.  And if they ever do let you go anywhere alone, they usually have a selfish reason to do so, it also means that they know where you will be and they won't be as worried, depending on their reasoning. As much as I hated to do it when I was thinking of how to get away, I had to sink to his level of thinking and to persevere. Once you get away, find a place where there is a lot of people. Usually, if you live around a lot of people, they will not bother you. Always be with someone or a group, if you are going out somewhere.  Sometimes it is safer. Let them know that you are in danger of an abusive husband; They may try or want to help you and protect you. Also, Take pictures of your bruises and cuts that the abuser may have done and call the police after they have beaten you. Then leave as soon as possible; This leaving has to be planned ahead, but don't start a fight. What I am saying is: Make sure you have a place to go, once you call the police and file charges on them.  Don't tell them you are leaving, Never do that! Just do it, because for sure, they will  be very  angry.  They will try to get you alone so they can either talk you into going with them or they will force you into  their car.   Never go out alone, especially at night. Most places have a women's abuse shelter to go to, that the husbands do not know about and are not suppose to know where it is, ever! 

Next time: You Can Overcome Problems That Damage a Family/AN END TO DAMAGING PROBLEMS

From the book: The Secret of FAMILY HAPPINESS     

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