
Single Parent Families Can Succeed!


One single parent sighed:  "When I come home and see those four walls, and especially after the children are in bed, loneliness really comes over me."  Yes, loneliness is often the biggest problem a single parent faces.  It is natural to long for the warm companionship and intimacies of marriage.  But should a person try to solve this problem at any cost?  In the apostle Paul's day, some younger widows allowed "their sexual impulses [to] come between them and Christ."  (1 Timothy 5:11, 12) Permitting sexual desires to overshadow spiritual interests would be damaging. -1 Timothy 5:6.

A Christian man said:  "Sexual urges are every strong, but you can control them.  When a thought comes into your mind, you must not dwell on it. You have to get rid of it. It also helps to think of your child."  God's  Word counsels:  'Deaden your body members as respects  sexual appetite.'  (Colossians 3:5) If you were  trying to deaden your appetite for food, would you read magazines featuring pictures of delicious foods, or would you associate with people who constantly talked about food? Hardly! The same is true concerning fleshly desires. 

Some Christians have entered into courtships with unbelievers.  (1 Corinthians 7:39) Did that solve their problems? No. A divorced Christian woman warned:  "There is one thing much worse than being single. It is being married to the wrong person."  First-century Christian widows no doubt had bouts of loneliness, but the wise ones kept busy 'entertaining strangers, washing the feet of the holy ones, and relieving those in tribulation.'  (1 Timothy 5:10) Faithful Christians today who have waited  many years to find a God-fearing mate have similarly kept busy. A  68-year-old Christian widow started visiting other widows whenever she got lonely. She said:  "I find that  by making these visits, keeping up my housework and taking care of my spirituality I don't have time to be lonely."  Teaching others about God's Kingdom is an especially beneficial good work. -Matthew 28:19, 20. 

Admittedly, there is no miracle cure for loneliness. But it can be endured with strength from Jehovah. Such strength comes when a Christian  "persists in supplications and prayers night and day."  (1 Timothy 5:5)  Supplications are earnest pleas, yes,  a begging for help, perhaps with strong outcries and tears.  (Compare Hebrews 5:7) Pouring out your heart to Jehovah "night and day" can really help. Further, wholesome association can do much to fill the void of loneliness. Through good association, one can get the "good word" of encouragement described at Proverbs 12:25. 

If feelings of loneliness surface from time to time-as they likely will-remember that no one has a perfect lot in life. Indeed, "the entire association of your brothers" is suffering in one way or another.  (1 Peter 5:9) Avoid dwelling on the past.  (Ecclesiastes 7:10) Take stock of the advantages that you enjoy. Above all, be determined to keep your integrity and to make Jehovah's heart glad. -Proverbs 27:11. 

Next time: Single Parent Families Can Succeed!/HOW OTHERS CAN HELP

From the book: The Secret of FAMILY HAPPINESS 

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