
You Can Overcome Problems That Damage a Family


The first violent act in human history was an incident of domestic violence involving two brothers, Cain and Abel.  (Genesis 4:8)  Ever since then, mankind has been plagued with all manner of violence.  There are husbands who batter wives, wives who attack husbands, parents who cruelly beat their young children, and grown children who abuse their elderly parents. 

The damage caused by domestic violence goes far beyond the physical scars.  one battered wife said:  "There is a lot of guilt and shame you have to deal with. Most mornings, you just want to stay in bed,  hoping it was just a bad dream."  Children who observe or experience domestic violence may themselves be violent when they grow up and have families of their own.

Domestic  violence is not limited to physical abuse. Often the assault is verbal.  Proverbs 12:18 says:  "There exists the one speaking thoughtlessly as with the stabs of a sword."  These "stabs" that characterize domestic violence include name calling and shouting, as well as constant criticism, degrading insults, and threats of physical violence. The wounds of emotional violence are invisible and often go unnoticed by others. 

Especially sad is the emotional battering of a child-the constant criticizing and belittling of a child's abilities, intelligence, or value as a person.  Such verbal abuse can destroy the spirit of a child. True, all children need discipline.  But the Bible instructs fathers: "Fathers, provoke not your children to anger, lest they be discouraged, -Colossians 3:21, King James Version.

Next time: You Can Overcome Problems That Damage a Family/HOW TO AVOID DOMESTIC VIOLENCE

From the book: The Secret of FAMILY HAPPINESS 

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