

Jehovah is pleased to entrust the good news to those whom he approves of. (Read 1 Thessalonians 2:4.) Note how a sister named Jocelyn benefited from sharing the good news with others. One day, Jocelyn woke up feeling depressed. "I felt as if I had nothing to give," she says, "But I was pioneering, and it was service day. So I said a prayer and went out in service." That morning Jocelyn met Mary, a kind woman who accepted a Bible study. Some months later Mary mentioned that the had been praying to God for help when Jocelyn knocked on her door. Reflecting on this experience, Jocely says, "I felt as if Jehovah were telling me, 'I approve of you. "Of course, not everyone will respond positively to our preaching work, but we can be sure that Jehovah is pleased when we try to our best to share the good news with others. 

Jehovah applies the value of the ransom to those he approves of. (1 Timothy 2:5, 6) But what if our heart resists the idea that Jehovah approves of us, even though we have faith in the ransom and are baptized? Remember we cannot always trust our own feelings but we can trust Jehovah. He considers those who have faith in the ransom to be righteous in his eyes and promises to bless them. (Read Psalm 5:12; Romans 3:26) Meditating on the ransom helped Vicky. One day after thinking deeply about the ransom, she realized: "Jehovah had been patient with me for so long. . . . . Yet, I was, in effect, saying to him: "Your love is not great enough to reach me. Your Son's sacrifice is not enough to cover me." By meditating on this gift of the ransom, she began to feel loved by Jehovah. We too will feel loved by Jehovah and sense his approval as reflect on the ransom.

Although we may try hard to apply the above suggestions, we may at times get discouraged and wonder if we have Jehovah's approval. If that happens, remember that he approves of "those who continue loving Him."  (James 1:12) So continue to draw close to Jehovah and take note of his approval for you. Always bear in mind that Jehovah "is not far off from each of one of us." -ACTS 17:27.

Next time: Let Mildness Be Your Strength

From the jw.org publications

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