

 Through the Bible. Jehovah loves to express warm approval of those for whom he has affection. The Scriptures report two occasions when He told Jesus that he was his beloved, approved Son. (Matthew 3:17; 17:5) Would you like to hear Jehovah reassure you of his approval? Jehovah does not speak audibly, but he speaks to us from the pages of his Word. We can "hear "Jehovah's voice of approval when we read Jesus' words in the Gospels. (Read John 16:27.) Jesus perfectly reflected his Father's personality. So when we read that Jesus expressed his approval of his imperfect but faithful followers, we can picture Jehovah saying those words to us. - JOHN 15:9, 15.

Through his actions. Jehovah is eager to help us, such as providing for our material needs. At times, Jehovah may allow us to suffer hardships, as he did righteous Job. (Job 1:8-11) Trials do not mean that we have lost God's approval. Rather, they provide us with opportunities to prove the depth of our love for God and our trust in him. (Read James 1:12.) We will experience his loving care and support as helps us endure.

Consider a brother in Asia named Dimitri. He lost his job and could not find work for many months. So he decided to increase his share in the ministry, thus showing that he trust in Jehovah. Months dragged on, and he still could not find work. Then he experienced health problems to the point that he became bedridden. He began to doubt his worth as a husband and father, and if he wondered if he lost Jehovah's approval. Then one evening his daughter printed on a sheet of paper the words found at Isaiah 30:15: "Your strength will be in keeping calm and showing trust." She brought it to his bedside and said, "Daddy, when you feel bad, you can remember this scripture." Dimitri realized that thanks to Jehovah, his family still had adequate food, clothing, and shelter." What I needed to do, "he says "was stay calm and continue trusting in my God." If you are facing a similar trial, you can trust that Jehovah cares about you and will help you to endure.


From the jw.org publications

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