
Let Mildness Be Your Strength - HOW TO DEVELOP MILDNESS

 Mildness is a strength, not a weakness. It takes inner strength to keep calm when facing a trying situation.  Mildness is one aspect of "the fruitage of the spirit." (Galatians 5:22, 23) A form of the Greek word rendered "mildness" was at times used to describe a wild horse that had been tamed. Picture a wild horse that becomes gentle. That is, gently, yet strong. As humans, how can we develop mildness and at the same time be strong? Not by sheer willpower. A key to praying for God's spirit, asking him to help us to cultivate this beautiful quality. Experience shows that this can be done. Many Witnesses have responded mildly when confronted by opposers, leaving a favorable impression on observers.  (Read 2 Timothy 2:24, 25.) How can you make mildness one of your strengths? 

The Bible contains many accounts that highlight the value of mildness. Take the example of Isaac. When he settled in the Philistine territory of Gerar, his envious neighbors stopped up wells that his father's servants had dug. Instead of fighting for his rights, Isaac moved his household further away and dug other wells. (Genesis 26:12-18) But the Philistines claimed that the water is this location was also theirs. Despite this, Isaac acted peacefully. (Genesis 26:19-25) What helped him to remain mild even when others seemed determined to provoke him? He surely observed the example of his parents, learning much from the peaceful ways of Abraham and "the quiet and mild spirit of Sarah." - 1 PETER 3:4-6; GENESIS 21:12-34. 

Next time: Let Mildness Be Your Strength - Conclusion

From the jw.org publications

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