

 We cannot determine the specific date of the end of all wickedness and suffering for Jesus said: "Concerning that day and hour nobody knows, neither the angels of the heavens nor the Son, but only the Father." Nonetheless, Jesus encouraged us to keep on the watch." (Matthew 24:36; 25:13) For what? The Bible gives us a description of world conditions that would exist before God brings the end. Just as the sudden shifting of the tide alerted the residents of Simeulue to an approaching tsunami, the dramatic shifting of the tide of world events would signal to us that the end is near. The accompanying box highlight some of the dramatic changes the Bible speaks of.

Granted, taken individually, some of the events or conditions listed in the box have occurred in the past to some extent. But Jesus said "that upon all seeing "all these things," we would know that the end is at hand. (Matthew 24:33) Ask yourself, 'When in history have all the things described (1) taken place on a global scale, (2) occurred at the same time, and (3) progressed to an unprecedented extent?' Clearly, we are living in such a time. 

NOTE: Remember in Noah's day, no one thought or believed Noah that it would happen. But it did and all but Noah and his family, who God deemed righteous were killed. Jehovah's time is not our time, it is slower. So think hard about this and save yourself by getting God in your life now! You won't regret it. I am so blessed and happy, that God is in my life. 


From the jw.org publications

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