
Important Lessons From the Kings of Israel

 "You will again see the distinction between a righteous person and a wicked person, one serving God and one not serving him." - MALACHI 3:18. 

THE Bible names more than 40 men who ruled as kings of Israel.  That record candidly reveals details about some of them. For example, even the good kings did some bad things. Consider good King David. Jehovah said: "My servant David . . . after me with all his heart, doing only what was right in my eyes." (1 Kings 14:8) Yet, that man committed sexual immorality with a married woman and conspired to have her husband killed in battle. 2 SAMUEL 11:4, 14, 15. 

On the other hand, many of the faithful kings did some good things. Consider Rehoboam. In Jehovah's eyes, he "did what was bad." (2 Chronicles 12:14) Yet, Rehoboam obeyed God's order to have ten tribes break away from his kingdom. He also benefited his nation by fortifying its cities. - 1 Kings 12:21-. 24; 2 Chronicles 11:5-12. 

An important question arises. If Israel's kings did good and bad things, on what basis did Jehovah determine whether a king was faithful in His eyes? The answer that question will us understand what Jehovah is looking for in us. We will discuss three factors that Jehovah evidently took in consideration when evaluating the kings of Israel: their heart condition, their repentance, and their adherence to true worship. 

Next time: Important Lessons From the Kings of Israel - THEIR HEART WAS COMPLELTE TOWARD JEHOVAH

From the jw.org publications

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