
Do You Recognize the Truth? - HOW WE CAN HOLD FAST TO THE TRUTH - Continue

What can we learn from Paul's words to the Thessalonians? When we hear something that does not harmonize with what we have learned from the Bible or when we hear a sensational rumor, we need to use discernment. In the former Soviet Union, or enemies once circulated a letter that allegedly from world headquarters. The letter encouraged some of the brothers to form a separate independent organization. The letter itself appeared to be genuine. But faithful brothers were not fooled. They realized that the message the letter contained did not line up with what they had been taught. Today, enemies of the truth sometimes use modern technology in an effort to confuse and divide us. Rather than be 'quickly shaken from [our] reason," we can protect ourselves by considering whether what we hear or read is harmony with the truths we have already learned. - 2 THESSALONIANS 2:2; 1 JOHN 4:1. 

 Next time: Do You Recognize the Truth? - HOW WE CAN HOLD FAST TO THE TRUTH - Conclusion

From the jw.org publications

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