
Do You Recognize the Truth? - HOW WE CAN HOLD FAST TO THE TRUTH - Continue

At one point in the Israelites' journey to the Promised Land, prominent men challenged Moses and the role that Jehovah had assigned him. They said "The whole assembly [not just Moses] is holy, all of them, and Jehovah is in their midst." (Numbers 16:1-3) Although it was true that in God's eyes "the whole assembly" was holy, Jehovah had chosen Moses to take the lead among his people. (Numbers 16:28) By criticizing Moses, the rebels were really criticizing Jehovah. They did not focus on what Jehovah wanted; they focused on what they wanted-more power and recognition. God struck down the leaders of the rebellion as well as thousands more who sympathized with them. (Numbers 16:30-35, 41, 49) Today we can be sure that Jehovah disapproves of those who disrespect his organizational arrangements.

Next time: Do You Recognize the Truth? - HOW WE CAN HOLD FAST TO THE TRUTH - Continue

From the jw.org publications

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