
Do You Recognize the Truth? - QUALITIES NEEDED TO RECOGNIZE THE TRUTH - Conclusion

 To strengthen our fear of Jehovah, we need to focus on pleasing him in every decision we make. (Psalm 16:8) As you read Bible accounts, ask yourself, 'If I had been in that situation, what decision would I have made?' For example, picture yourself listening as the ten Israelite chieftains gave their negative report. Would you have believed the report and given in to the fear of man, or would your love for Jehovah and your desire to please him have won out? An entire generation of Israelites failed to recognize the truthy that Joshual and Caleb spoke. As a result, they lost the opportunity to enter the Promised Land. - NUMBERS 14:10, 22, 23. 

Humility. Jehovah reveals the truth to those who are humble. (Matthew 11:25) We humbly accepted to learn the truth. (Acts 8:30, 31) Still, we must be careful not to become proud. Being prideful could lead us to consider our personal opinions to be just as valid as Scriptural principles and direction from Jehovah's organization.

To maintain our humility, we need to remember our littleness when compared to Jehovah's greatness. (Psalm 8:3, 4) We can also pray to develop a humble, teachable spirit. Jehovah will help us put his thoughts, which he provides through his Word and his organization, ahead of our own.  In your Bible reading, look for points about how Jehovah loves humility and hates pride, arrogance, and haughtiness. And take care to remain humble if you receive a privilege of service that gives you a measure of prominence.

Next time: Do You Recognize the Truth? -HOW WE CAN HOLD FAST TO THE TRUTH

From the jw.org publications

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