

Few people have ever needed to repent and be forgiven more than Saul of Tarsus. He was a vicious persecutor of Christ's beloved followers. Most Christians likely viewed him as a lost cause, beyond any hope of repentance. Yet, the resurrected was far above such flawed human reasoning. He and His Father saw good qualities in Saul. Jesus said: "This man is a chosen vessel to me." (Acts 9:15) Jesus even used a miracle to lead Saul to repentance. (Acts 7:58- 8:3; 9:1-9, 17-20) After becoming a Christian, Saul-later known as the apostle Paul-often expressed his appreciation for the way he had been shown kindness and mercy. (Read Timothy 1:12-15) The grateful apostle taught: "God in his kindness is trying to lead you to repentance." -ROMANS 2:4. 

When Paul heard about a scandalous problem regarding immorality in the Christian congregation in Corinth, how did he handle it? He did so in a way that teaches us a great deal about Jehovah's loving discipline and about the importance of showing mercy. We will consider that account in greater detail in the following article. 

Next time:  How the Congregation Reflects Jehovah's View of Sinners

From the jw.org publications

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