

 In contrast, King Amaziah of Judah did what was right but not with a complete heart." (2 Chronicles 25:2) Where did he go wrong? After Jehovah helped him defeat the Edomites, Amaziah bowed down to their gods. Then confronted by Jehovah's prophet, the king stubbornly turned him away. - 2 CHRONICLES 25:14-16. 

What do we learn from these examples? We need to repent of our sins and do all we can to avoid repeating them. What if we receive counsel from the congregation elders, even on a seemingly minor matter? We should not feel rejected by Jehovah or the elders.  Even the good kings of Israel were not above receiving counsel and reproof. (Hebrews 12:6) When we receive correction, we should (1) respond humbly, (2) make the necessary changes, and (3) move on with our wholehearted service to Jehovah. If we repent of our sins, Jehovah will forgive us. - Read 2 CORINTHIANS 7:9, 11.

Next time: Important Lessons From the Kings of Israel - THEY ADHERED TO TRUT WORSHIP 

From the jw.org publications

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