
Questions From Readers - Is the marking described at 2 Thessalonians 3:14 an action taken by the congregation or by individual Christians?

 Did this mean that the person was treated as someone who was removed from the congregation? No, for Paul added" "Continue admonishing him as a brother."  So individual Christians would still associate with the marked one at meetings and in the ministry, but they would choose not to associate with him for social occasions or recreation. Why? "That he may become ashamed," said Paul. As a result of the marking, the disorderly Christian might become ashamed of his conduct and change his ways. - 2 THESSALONIANS 3:14, 15. 

How might Christians today apply this counsel? First, we would want to make sure that the conduct in question is actually "disorderly," as Paul described. He was not talking about who differ from us in matters of conscience or personal preference. And he did not mean those who simply have hurt our feelings. Rather, Paul had in mind specifically those who deliberately chose to obey clear, God-given counsel.

Next time: Questions From Readers - Is the marking described at 2 Thessalonians 3:14 an action taken by the congregation or individual Christians?

From the jw.org publications

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