
Be Courageous Like Zadok - REMAIN LOYAL TO JEHOVAH

 Few trials can leave us feeling more discouraged than when a family member or a close friend leaves Jehovah. (Psalm 78:40; Proverbs 24:10) The closer our bond is with the person, the more difficult it can be to accept the situation. If you have had such a painful experience, Zadok's example can strengthen you. 

Zadok remained loyal to Jehovah when his close associate Abiathar chose to be disloyal. This happened at the end of David's reign. As David lay on his deathbed, his son Adonijah tried to seize the throne that Jehovah had promised to Solomon. (1 Chronicles 22:9, 10) Abiathar chose to support Adonijah. (Read 1 Kings 1:5-8.) In doing so Abiathar was disloyal not only to David but also to Jehovah! Can you imagine how sad and disappointed Zadok must have felt? For some four decades, he and Abiathar had worked closely together as priests. (2 Samuel8:17) They had cared for the "Ark of the true God" together. (2 Samuel 15:29) Initially, both men had supported David's kingship - and so much more. - 2 SAMUEL 19:11-14. 

Next time: Be Courageous Like Zadok - REMAIN LOYAL TO JEHOVAH - Continue  

From the jw.org publications

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