
Do You Recognize the Truth? - HOW WE CAN HOLD FAST TO THE TRUTH - Conclusion

 Remain united with those who are loyal to Jehovah. God wants us to be united with our worship. We will remain united as long as we cling to the truth. Any who deviate from the truth create divisions within the congregation, so God wants us to "avoid them."  Otherwise, we ourselves could draw away from the truth. - Read Romans 16:17, 18. 

When we recognize the truth and hold firmly to it, we will stay spiritually safe and healthy. (Ephesians 4:15. 16) We will be protected from Satan's false teachings and propaganda, and we will remain secure in Jehovah's care during the great tribulation Keep holding firmly to what is true, "and the God of peace will be with you." - Philippians 4:8, 9. 

Next time: Keep on Guard Against Temptation

From the jw.org publications

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