

 Likely, we can rid ourselves completely of some imperfect tendencies. But we might find that other inclinations continue to give us trouble. Consider the case of the apostle Peter. He gave in to fear of man when he denied Jesus three times. (Matthew 26:69-75) Peter seemed to have overcome that fear when he gave a bold witness before the Sanhedrin. (Acts 5:27-29) However, some years later, "fearing those of the circumcised class," he temporarily stopped eating with Gentile Christians. (Galatians 2:11, 12) Peter's fear had returned. Perhaps he was never completely free of it.

We might find ourselves in a similar situation. How? A tendency that we thought we had put behind us might return to tempt us again. For example, one brother admits: "I resisted pornography for ten years and convinced myself that my problem was over. But the addiction was lying dormant, waiting for the right circumstance to rear its ugly head." Commendably, he did give up. He realized that he would need to put forth a daily effort to resist this vice-perhaps for the rest of his life in this system of things. With the help of his wife and his congregation elders, he took stronger measures to resist pornography. 

How can we resist a persistent tendency so that we do not act on it? By following Jesus' counsel with regard to temptation: "Keep on the watch." Even during period when you feel strong, continue to avoid situations that can lead to temptation.  (1 Corinthians 10:12) Keep applying the strategies that brought you success. Proverbs 28:14 states: "Happy is the man who is always on guard." - 2 PETER 3:14. 


From the jw.org publications 

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