
How the Congregation Reflects Jehovah's View of Sinners

 "If anyone does commit a sin, we have a helper." - 1 JOHN 2:1.

JEHOVAH created humans with free will. You use that gift regularly when you make decisions. The most important decision that any person can make is the decision to dedicate himself to Jehovah and to become part of His family of worshippers. Jehovah desires everyone to do so. Why? Because he loves people and wants the best for them. He wants them to enjoy a friendship with him and to live forever. - DEUTERONOMY 30:19, 20; GALATIANS 6:7, 8.

However, Jehovah does not force anyone to serve him. He allows each individual to decide what he will do. What if a baptized Christian breaks God's Law, committing a serious sin?  If he does not repent, he must be removed from the congregation. (1 Corinthias 5:13) Yet, even then, Jehovah fervently hopes the wrongdoer will return to Him. In fact, that is an important reason why he provided the ransom-to make forgiveness possible for repentant sinners. (Read 1 John 2:1.) Our loving God warmly appeals to wrongdoers, urging them to repent. - ZECHARIAH 1:3; ROMANS 2:4; JAMES 4:8. 

Jehovah wants us to adopt his attitude toward wrongdoing and wrongdoers. This article will discuss the way we can do that. As you read the article, look for (1) how a case of serious wrongdoing was handled in the first- century congregation in Corinth, (2) What direction the apostle Paul gave when a wrongdoer repented, (3) what this Bible account reveals about Jehovah's attitude toward Christians who commit a serious sin.


From the jw.org publications


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