
Important Lessons From the Kings of Israel - THEIR HEART WAS COMPLETE TOWARD JEHOVAH - Conclusion

 How can we imitate the faithful kings and maintain a complete heart? By avoiding bad influences. Unwholesome entertainment, for example, can divide our heart. So can bad association and materialistic thinking. If we detect that something is beginning to weaken our love for Jehovah, let us take swift action to remove it. - Read PROVERBS 4:23; MATTHEW 5:29, 30. 

We must not let our heart become divided. If we are not careful, we could fool ourselves into thinking that by increasing our spiritual activities, we need not reject bad influences. To illustrate, imagine yourself outside on a brutally cold windy day. On arriving home, you turn on your heat. How much good would that do you if you left the door open? The cold air would quickly fill your house. The point? We need to do more than just take in spiritual food that warms our relationship with Jehovah. We must also close the door on unwholesome influence, so that this world's cold "air" or ungodly attitude, does not enter our heart and divide it. - EPHESIANS 2:2. 

Next time: Important Lessons From the Kings of Israel - THEY REPENTED OF THEIR SINS

From the jw.org publications

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