

 We must also guard our thinking. (Exodus 20:17) Some believe that there is nothing wrong with fantasizing about improper desires as long as an individual does not act on them. But such thinking is wrong. A person who dwells on a wrong desire intensifies the desire. In a sense, he creates temptation, which he will now have to resist. Of course, wrong thoughts will at times come into our mind.  They key is to reject these thoughts and replace them with good ones. When we do, we keep wrong thoughts from growing into a powerful desire that is hard to fight and that might easily lead us into committing a serious sin. - PHILIPPIANS 4:8; COLOSIANS 3:2; JAMES 1:13-15. 

What else can we do to guard ourselves against temptation?  We need to be absolutely convinced that will always benefit from obeying God's laws. We may on occasion struggle to bring our desire into harmony with what God approves, but the peace of mind that we will experience will be well worth the effort. 

Next time: HOW TO BE ON GUARD - Conclusion

From the jw.org publications

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