

 Solomon's account illustrates what can happen to any worshipper of Jehovah. He might also fall into serious sin and later feel that everything occurred "suddenly." Or he might say, "It just happened." And yet, if he thinks about what actually occurred, he will likely discover that he took some unwise steps that led to his transgression. Those steps might have involved bad association, unwholesome entertainment or frequenting questionable places-whether in person or online. Perhaps he had also stopped praying, reading the Bible, attending meetings, or sharing in the ministry. Like the young man discussed in Proverbs, he may not have committed the sin so "suddenly" after all. 

What is the lesson for us?  We need to avoid not only the sin itself but also the steps that lead to sin. Solomon makes that very point after relating the account of the young man and the immoral woman. Referring to the woman, he states: "Do stray into her paths." (Proverbs 7:25) He also says of such a wayward woman: "Stay far away from her; do not go near the entrance of her house." (Proverbs 5:3, 8) Yes, we guard ourselves from sin by keeping far away from the circumstances that lead to it. This might include avoiding certain situations or activities that are not off-limits for Christians in general but that are known to led us into temptation. - MATTHEW 5:29, 30. 

To avoid situations that lead to sin, we will need to make firm resolve. That is what Job did. He "made a covenant with [his] eyes" never to look lustfully at other women. (Read Job 31:1.) Adhering to that resolve would keep him far away from committing adultery. We too can resolve to avoid anything that is likely to lead to temptation.

Next time: HOW TO BE ON GUARD - Continue

From the jw.org publication 



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