
Help for Those Who Are Removed From the Congregation

 "There will be more joy in heaven over one sinner who repents than 99 righteous ones who have no need of repentance." - LUKE 15:7. 

JEHOVAH is not a permissive God; he does not condone sin. (Psalm 5:4-6) He requires that we respect his righteous standards, which he has set forth for us in his Word. Of course, Jehovah does not expect perfection from imperfect people. (Psalm 130:3, 4) At the same time, he does not tolerate 'ungodly me who turn his undeserved kindness into an excuse for brazen conduct.' (Jude 4) Indeed the Bible speaks of the "destruction of the ungodly" at God's war of Armageddon. - 2 PETER 3:7; REVELATION 16:16. 

However, Jehovah does not want anyone to suffer destruction. As we discussed earlier in this series of articles, the Bible clearly states that he "desires all to attain to repentance." (2 Peter 3:9) Christian elders imitate Jehovah as they patiently try to help wrongdoers to change their ways and be restored in Jehovah's favor. However, not all wrongdoers respond favorably.  (Isaiah 6:9) Some continue in a wrong course despite the elders' repeated efforts to lead them to repentance. What is to be in a done in such a situation?


From the jw.org publications

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