

 Jesus knew what lay ahead of him. More than once, he told his followers that he would be betrayed and executed on a stake. (Matthew 17:22; 20:18, 19) He knew that his sacrifice would take away the sin of the world, as John had proclaimed and the prophets had foretold. Jesus also taught that after offering his life, he would "draw all sorts of men" to himself. (Joh 12:32) Sinful humans could please Jehovah by accepting Jesus Christ as their Lord and by following his steps. If they did so, they would finally "be set free from sin." (Romans 6:14, 18, 22; John 8:32) So Jesus willingly and courageously faced his terrible death. - JOHN 10:17, 18. 

Jesus was betrayed, arrested, verbally abused, slandered, convicted, and even tortured. Soldiers led him to the site of execution and nailed him to a stake. As he faithfully endured all that agony, there was Somone who felt even more pain. That was Jehovah God. He held back his infinite power and refrained from intervening. Why? What could move a loving Father to act in that way? In a word, love.  Jesus said: "For God loved the world so much that he gave his only-begotten Son, so that everyone exercising faith in him might not be destroyed but have everlasting life." - JOHN 3:16. 

Next time: HOW DID JESUS COME TO THE RESCUE? -Conclusion

From the jw.org publications

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