

 What lessons can we learn? Certainly, we must be determined to avoid false worship. But we must also adhere to true worship and remain active in it. The prophet Malachi stated plainly what is in Jehovah's eyes distinguishes a good person from a bad one. He wrote: "You will again see the distinction between a righteous person and a wicked person, between one serving God and one not serving him." (Malachi 3:28) Therefore, we must not allow anything-not even our imperfections and mistakes- to discourage us to the point that we will quit serving God. To stop serving Jehovah is in itself a serious sin.

If you are single and considering marriage, can you see how Malachi's words about serving God have a bearing on your choice of a marriage mate? A person may have some fine qualities, but if that person is not serving the true God, is he or she presently viewed as righteous in Jehovah's eyes? (2 Corinthians 6:14) As a marriage mate, will that one exert a positive spiritual influence on you? Consider: The pagan wives of King Solomon may have had some good qualities. But they were not worshippers of Jehovah, and they gradually inclined Solomon's towards false worship. - 1 KINGS 11:1, 4. 

Next time: THEY ADHERED TO TRUE WORSHIP - Conclusion

From the jw.org publications

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