
Important Lessons From the Kings of Israel - THEY REPENTED OF THEIR SINS

 As noted earlier, King David erred seriously. But when the prophet Nathan confronted him about his sin, David humbly repented. (2 SAMUEL 12:13) From his expressions recorded at Psalm 51, we sense the sincerity of his repentance. David did not merely pretend to feel sorry in order to fool Nathan or to avoid punishment. - PSALM 51:3, 17, superscription. 

King Hezekiah too sinned against Jehovah. The record states: "His heart became haughty, bringing indignation against him and against Judah and Jerusalem." (2 Chronicles 32:25) Why did Hezekiah become proud? Perhaps he felt superior because of his riches, his victory over the Assyrians, or his miraculous care from illness. It may have been pride that moved him to show off his wealth to the Babylonians, resulting in him being reproved by the prophet Isaiah. (2 Kings 20:12-18) But like David, Hezekiah humbly repented. (2 Chronicles 32:26) In the final analysis, Jehovah viewed him as a faithful king who "kept doing what was right." - 2 KINGS 18:3. 

Next time: THEY REPENTED OF THEIR SINS - Conclusion

From the jw.org publications 

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