
Do You Recognize the Truth? - HOW WE CAN HOLD FAST TO THE TRUTH - Continue

 We can maintain our confidence in Jehovah's organization. When it becomes clear that an adjustment is needed in our understanding a certain Bible truth or in the way that the Kingdom work is organized, those taking the lead do not hesitate to make the necessary changes. (Proverbs 4:18) They do so because, more than anything else, they want to please Jehovah. They also want to do their best to base their decisions on God's Word, the standard for which all of Jehovah's people must adhere.

Keep holding to the standard of whole some words." (2 Timothy 1:13) "The standard of wholesome words" refers to Chrisitan teaching found in the Bible.  (John 17:17) Such teachings form the basis for everything we believe. Jehovah's organization has taught us to cling to that standard. As long as we do so, we will be blessed. 

Next time: Do Your Recognize the Truth? - HOW WE CAN HOLD FAST TO THE TRUTH - Continue  

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