
Do You Recognize the Truth?

 "Stand firm . . . with the belt of truth fastened around your waist." - EPHESIANS 6:14.

JEHOVAH'S people love the truth found in God's Word. We have built our faith on it. (Romans 10:17) We have come to believe that Jehovah set up the Christian congregation as "a pillar of and support of the truth." (1 Timothy 3:15) And we gladly submit to "those who taking the lead" around us as they explain the truth from the Bible and give direction in harmony with God's will. - HEBREWS 13:17.

However, after we have accepted the truth and the role of God's organization in providing reliable guidance, we could still be led astray. (Read James 5:19) Satan would like nothing better than to cause us to lose confidence in the Bible or in the direction we receive from God's organization. - EPHESIANS 4:14.

Next time: Do You Recognize the Truth? - Conclusion

From the jw.org publication 

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