

 As discussed in the preceding article, sometimes an announcement is made that a person has been reproved. In such a case, we continue associate with him, knowing that he repented and abandoned his wrong course. (1 Timothy 5:20) He is still part of the congregation and needs the encouragement that comes from associating with fellow believers. (Hebrews 10:24, 25) However, the situation is quite different with a person who has been removed from the congregation. We "stop keeping company " with that person, not even eating with such a man." - 1 CORINTHIANS 5:11.

Does what we have considered mean that we would completely ignore a person who has been removed from the congregation? Not necessarily. Certainly we would not socialize with him. But Christians can use their Bible-trained conscience in deciding whether to invite a person who was removed from the congregation -perhaps a relative or someone they were close to previously-to attend a congregation meeting. Here again, each Christian needs to use his Bible-trained conscience in this matter. Some may feel comfortable with greeting or welcoming the person at the meeting. However, we would not have an extended conversation or socialize with the individual.

Some may wonder, 'Doesn't the Bible say that a Christian who says a greeting to such a person becomes a sharer in his wicked works?' (Read 2 John 9-11.) The context of this scripture shows that this direction refers to apostates and other who actively promote wrong conduct. (Revelation 2:20) Therefore, if a person is actively promoting apostate teachings or other wrongdoing, the elder would not arrange to visit him.  Of course, there is hope that he will come to his senses. Until that happens, though, we would neither greet such a person nor invite him to attend a congregation meeting. 


From the jw.org publications

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