

 Jehovah often used his prophets to warn and correct his people. For example, God said through Jeremiah: "Return O renegade Israel . . . I will look down angrily at you, for I am loyal . . . and I will not stay resentful forever.  Only acknowledge your guilt, for you have rebelled against Jehovah. " (Jeremiah 3:12, 13) By means of Joel, Jehovah said: "Return to me with all your hearts." (Joel 2:12., 13) And by means of Ezekiel, Jehovah asked: "Do I take pleasure at all in the death of a wicked person? . . .Do I not prefer that he turn from his ways and keep living? I do not take any pleasure in the death of anyone, . . .so turn back and live." (Ezekiel 18:23, 32) Jehovah takes delight in seeing people repent because he wants them to keep living-forever!  So Jehovah does not just wait passively for sinful people to change before he offers them help. Let us see some other examples of this. 

Notice what Jehovah taught his people by means of a real-life example-that of Gomer, the wife of the prophet of Hosea for other men. Was she beyond help? Jehovah, who can read hearts, Hosea: "Go once again, love the woman who is loved by another man and is committing adultery. Just as Jehovah loves the people of Israel while they turn to other gods." (Hosea 3:1; Proverbs 16:2) Note that Hoseas's wife was still involved in a course of serious sin. Yet, Jehovah told Hosea to reach out to her and offer forgiveness and reconciliation. Similarly, Jehovah had not given up on his obstinate people. Even though they were caught up in terrible sins, he still loved them and continued to reach out to them to repent and change their ways. Does this example suggest that Jehovah, "the examiner of hearts," will reach out to an individual who is still involved in serious sin and try to lead that one to repentance? (Proverbs 17:3) Let us see.


From the jw.org publications

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