
A Fine Balance

It is important to recognize, however, that because of our circumstances and limitations, some privileges may not be received. Setting  them as goals leads only to disappointment and frustration. Such goals should be set aside, at least for the time being.  Doing this will not be difficult if we pray for godly contentment and make the doing of Jehovah's will our chief concern. When we reach out for privileges, Jehovah's glory-not the recognition of our personal accomplishments-is important. (Psalm 16:5, 6; Matthew 6:33) The Bible appropriately  tells us:  "Roll your works upon Jehovah himself and your plans  will be firmly established." -Proverbs 16:3. 

In considering the 84th Psalm, we can see that the psalmist manifested each an attitude toward service privileges, and Jehovah blessed him richly.  Moreover, this psalm continues to benefit Jehovah's people down to this day.

With prayerful reliance upon Jehovah, you can balance your longing for additional privileges with contentment with those you now enjoy. Never let the desire to do more rob you of appreciation for what you have now and the joy of serving Jehovah forever.  Trust in Jehovah, for this results in happiness as shown in the Levite's words:  "O Jehovah of armies, happy is the man that is trusting in you." -Psalm 84:12.


From the Watchtower magazine, 1997

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