

When the apostle Paul wrote to the Corinthians, he recommended marriage 'because of the prevalence of fornication.' (1 Corinthians 7:2)  The world today is as bad as, or even worse than, ancient Corinth.  The immoral topics that people of the world openly discuss, the immodest way they dress, and the sensual stories  featured in magazines and books, on TV, and in the movies, all combine to excite illicit appetites.  To the Corinthians living in a similar environment, the apostle Paul said:  "It is better to marry than to be inflamed with passion." -1 Corinthians 7:9.

Therefore, the Bible commands married Christians:  "Let the husband render to his wife her due; but let the wife also do likewise to her husband."     (1 Corinthians 7:3)     ( The Bible is talking about making love here)  Notice that the emphasis is on giving-not on demanding.  Physical intimacy in marriage is truly satisfying only if each partner is concerned about the good of the other.  For example, the Bible commands husbands to deal with their wives "according to knowledge." (1 Peter 3:7)  This is particularly true in giving and receiving the the marriage due.  If a wife is not treated tenderly, she may find it difficult to enjoy the aspect of marriage. 

There are times when marriage mates may have to deprive each other of the marriage due This might be true of the wife at certain times of the month or when she is feeling very tired.  (Compare Leviticus 18:19 )  It may be true of the husband  when he is dealing with a serious problem at work and feels emotionally drained. Such cases of temporary suspension of rendering the marriage due are best handled if both partners  frankly discuss the situation and agree by "mutual consent." (1 Corinthians 7:5) This will prevent either partner from jumping to wrong conclusions.  If, though, a wife willfully deprives her husband or if a husband deliberately fails to render the marriage due in a loving way, the partner may be left open to temptation.  (still no excuse to go out and sleep around) In such a situation, problems may arise in a marriage.

Like all Christians, married servants of God must avoid pornography, which can create unclean and unnatural desires.  (Colossians 3:5)  (note: Yeah, because Satan put the ideas of that in people's heads to print that trash along with ideas for it)  They must also guard their thoughts and actions when dealing with all members of the opposite sex.  Jesus warned:  "Everyone that keeps on looking  at a woman so as to have a passion for her has already committed adultery. They can continue to enjoy delightful intimacy in a marriage in which sex is treasured as a wholesome gift from the Originator of marriage, Jehovah. -Proverbs 5:15-19.  



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